in evidenza

RESIDENCY for GRACES 2017 Working process by Christine Brorsson @Malmo


Silvia puts a Lucia crown on my head and I am dancing together with her and Matteo. Doing movements that feels good to do, the moment before the audience enter. In an unofficial way everyone gets a seat and the sharing starts. Or has it all ready started? The roles of spectator, performer, artistic photographer, sharing and togetherness mixes and shifts. Some of the words that the audience afterwards use to describe their experience is “Disarming.” “Liberating.” “Natural.” “So much fun.” “Brilliant.” “Feel good.” Thank you so much Silvia and Matteo!



Preparing for sharing


Energy is on top when I enter the studio from the elevator at Dansstationen. Silvia and Matteo is having a party with movements, expressions and words. Costumes. Laughter. Energy increases even more. I become one of the performers behind the camera and we explore a new meeting. Preparing for sharing at Dansstationens studio on Friday afternoon.


Text and photos: © Christine Brorsson


Scheduled in December


Silvia Gribaudi, choreographer and performer, has been invited to the international residency of Konstnärsnämnden. She has a project called Graces. The name refers to 3 sculptures by Antonio Canova. Graces will be performed with 3 dancers on stage. In Malmö, Silvia experiences with Matteo Marchesi, one of the dancers, the ability to translate on other timings and humor, and on the concept of showing and beauty.IMG_5503

Photos: © Christine Brorsson


In the middle of a process


Silvia and Matteo meets freelance dancers at Danscentrum Syd, finds an Italian friend and breaks into laughter. Together we search for good a angle for pictures. We improvise with light, movement and staging. So much laugh, warmth, self distance and humor when the residence duo finds their way through their process. In the storage room we experiment with a new picture idea.  IMG_5478

The Door is Still Open to take part of the residency at Danscentrum Syd. On Friday the work continues with Silvia and Matteo but the whole week there will be something waiting in the studio for the visitors.

Text and photo: © Christine Brorsson


The moment somebody enters…


Take the chance to see a bit of the residency process that explores the collaboration between Silvia Gribaudi and Matteo Marchesi. This week and until 5 pm today, they work with the task “The Door is Open”. At the same time they offer the space to other artists in need.

— This is a welcoming tool and a strategy to break expectations within the creative process, says Silvia.

The tool is a strategy towards the preparation to go in front of an audience.

— It is interesting what happens in the body when you know someone can enter any time. It creates presence and brings dynamic into the day, says Matteo.


Welcome Silvia Gribaudi! 

Silvia has arrived in Malmö, working in Danscentrum Syd on a process tied to her new performance GRACES, about the concept of beauty, stereotype and look.

Her choreographic language crosses performing art, dance, and theatre. Her artistic language could be summarised as the encounter of dance with a raw, empathetic humour.

Want to know more about Silvia?

Visit Skånes Dansteater tomorrow!

OVER 60 _ project


An artistic Project for women Over60

The project is developed through a period of residence and meeting with women over 60 of the area involved, who want to deal with a community experience, experimenting with movement through a free and creative expression with their bodies. This will enable them to gain a deeper approach with themselves and with the others through dance, recognizing themselves in a group, in a particular place and context.

The project was born in 2011 on the occasion of the “International Day of Dance” at the Bassano del Grappa city museum, and then it continued in several Italian cities and abroad.
At the end of the various laboratories, the women involved decided to continue the project:

In Bologna in 2013 the ladies organized themselves in order to self-finance a residence.
In Montorso Vicentino in 2013 the ladies requested to the Municipality funds to support the project.

Create through the act of performing a get-together moment and encourage social inclusion in the area that hosts the laboratory by creating relationships between people.

Dance, freedom, identity, experience and community are the key words of this workshop:
Starting from simple movements the choreographer creates a space in which all the participants feel as protagonists and can express their creative potential. Their mature age means a legacy of life experiences, personal backgrounds, that the choreographer tries to take out, at the same time keeping a playful tone:

Every woman becomes a Goddess, as they can have fun and entertain themselves, be in a deep contact with their body and create with the group the strength that only women can express, especially after the age of 60.


April 2011

Bassano del Grappa, Museo Civico – commissioned by CSC Centro per la Scena Contemporanea di Bassano

July 2011 and 2012 – 2014- 2015
Montorso Vicentino, (Villa da Porto) – programmed by Operaestate Festival Veneto. September 2011
Genova, (Quartiere Maddalene) – in collaboration with Association ARTU

November 2011
Bologna (Mambo, Museo di Arte Moderna) – project supported by the Gender Bender Festival

February 2012
Venice Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa e Teatro Momo
July 2013
Montorso Vicentino (Villa Da Porto) – in collaboration with the artist Anna Piratti

September 2013

Bologna, (Spazio culturale Senza Filtro) – in collaboration with the Cultural Association Planimetrie Cultura- li

October 2013
Genk, Belgium
C-mine (Cultuurcentrum) – in collaboration with the Act Your Age European Project, 2013

. Novembre 2014
-DNA RomaEuropa
– Gender Bender Italy – flash mob

Vanity fairà/14/10/30/flash-mob July 2014

Italy -Parma pi-91252819/1/#1

May 2015

Festival Armunia Castiglioncello

June 2015

Cagliari – ASMED

Torna in alto